Tulsi Dried Herb
Tulsi (Holy Basil)
"The Incomparable One,” holy basil is one of the most sacred plants in India.
Traditional Uses Of Holy Basil are many and varied. For example, the herb is used to strengthen the respiratory system, and is prescribed for coughs and colds, especially when associated with asthma and bronchitis. Holy basil also promotes circulation, normalizes blood pressure, and is often combined with other cardiotonic herbs like arjuna to address heart issues. The primary action of holy basil is its ability to bring down fevers.Holy Basil is used to make refreshing herbal drinks. Experiment with it in soups, fish dishes and desserts.
Holy basil contains a rich supply of antioxidants. The essential oils in Holy basil contain eugenol, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is being studied for its ability to inhibit cancer cell growth. Research has also been done on Holy basil around its ability to help protect your stomach lining from the damaging effects of aspirin.
The ancient herb also contains compounds that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption in the digestive tract, making it a good addition to the diets of those with chronic digestive issues
Holy Basil (Tulsi)
Botanical Name: Ocimum sanctum
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Also Known As: Sacred Basil
Native to: India
Plant Part: LeafINCI: Ocimum Sanctum (Leaf) extract
CAS Number: 91845-35-1